
A lot of managers perform HR tasks as part of their responsibilities next to their day-to-day tasks. This leaves the manager with less time for the actual core business. The consequence could be that there is not enough attention for the employees. This could lead to higher illness rate of employees who are not motivated to do their job. SA&VD Consultancy is very pleased to assist you with these issues.

The services rendered by SA&VD Consultancy can be performed on a project basis. Also giving advice on the subjects you need assistance with is one of our services. Next to these services we can offer you Interim Management.What services can you expect from us? We offer you:

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What is an organisation and how do you know that your organisation is organised in the right way? Every organisation is unique, just as every person. Referring to this it might be possible that there are some issues within your organisation that you would like to change. Are these issues improvement projects or are these issues related to employees who are not motivated?

SA&VD Consultancy would like to be your sparring partner in these cases. The services rendered by SA&VD Consultancy can be performed on a project basis. Also giving advice on the subjects you need assistance with is one of our services.

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Coaching can be described as a way of communication in which the coach identifies himself/herself with the coachee in order to offer a bigger perspective of choices and possibilities.

Another way of describing Coaching is that Coaching is a way of life. In this life people open up for different ways of looking at a certain situation and/or assisting other people with reaching their goal in life.

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